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  • Writer's pictureJaime Watts

MAFS Reunion Recap

Last night our brides and grooms gathered for one last time in front of the experts. Feuds were put to bed, hearts broken and secrets emerged, in a drama filled reunion.

The episode began with loved up couple Tahnee and Ollie. They seemed to be more in love than ever on the couch, with plans on moving in together. Tahnee and Ollie will make cute babies, that’s for sure!

Sandy and Dan were next up on the couch. Sandy came into the relationship with no prior relationship experience and Dan came into the experiment a player with a blonde bombshell in mind. This relationship never stood a chance. Watching back the highlights of Sandy and Dan’s relationship is frustrating to say the least. Dan shows no remorse for sleeping with Sandy despite him having “no attraction to her” and saying hurtful remarks during the butt dial scandal. Sandy claims Dan came into the “experiment with wrong intentions”, his intentions were clearly getting a blue tick.

In a bombshell reveal, Hugo told everyone that Dan said, “I can't stand her, but I'll just say yes to try and make it to the end”. Saying things like, “She is the last person I'd be attracted to” and “She's 100 per cent not my type”,. Hugo can be heard relaying the conversation to producers in diary cam footage. The whole cast is disgusted by Dan’s words. Dan plays dumb again and says he doesn’t recall saying any of that. John Aiken goes to bat for Sandy telling Dan he is being dismissive of Sandy’s experience by denying all his bad behaviour. Sandy deserves another chance on MAFs, this Dan is a gaslighting piece of trash.

Next on the couch is our business power couple Layton and Melinda. Looking back at their relationship we see a couple who grow from hate to love. Melinda recalls that she didn’t feel an initial spark with Layton (this initial spark is load of rubbish BTW). They develop mutual respect and a friendship, which grows into love. Layton and Melinda were both such headstrong and different people. The couple overcame obstacles such as Harrison’s meddling during the retreat and the task around the couple swap which got on Layton’s nerves. Why Mel and Layton work is that they are a team who will stand up for what they believe in, but they will always come back together. The couple spoke positively about their future and just that they want to be together (how cute, couple goals).

Lyndall and Cameron reluctantly go on the couch together. Lyndal laments about their strong connection at the start of the experiment and how lack of affection became a problem when Taylor came into the picture. . Cameron recalls how the affection felt forced and said he was not on the path to falling in love with Lyndall, this upset Lyndall.

The experts go straight for Cameron interrogating him about the sexting scandal involving Taylor.

Cameron denies any relationship in or outside the experiment with Taylor. Cameron says they are just friends and getting naked on facetime with friends is perfectly normal according to Cam. Melanie Schilling tries to press Cameron so more about the facetime, but he does not crack. Taylor explains Cam is just her mate and he lives in another state. Taylor then cheekily suggests, “It has not been explored…yet”. This angers the group. Lyndall then lays out the theory that Taylor and Cam's attraction to each other was what caused their relationship to fail. A+ Lyndall, correct answer your man had wandering eyes and he is also trash.

It's then Alyssa’s and Duncan’s turn to sit on the couch. Alyssandra Rampolla confronts Alyssa on her angry outburst at Duncan the previous night (I swear Alyssandra has a crush on Duncan she always comes to his defence). Alyssa apologises for her behaviour last night and takes accountability for pushing Duncan away at times and acting irrationally. Duncan remarks she is an amazing woman who needs to have more self-confidence (this man is a dreamboat).

Finally, Claire and Jesse rehash the cheating scandal on the couch. Adam apologises again (have we not gone over this twenty times). Jesse and Adam are bros again. Claire and Jesse extend an olive branch to one another, and Claire promises to visit Jesse in Perth.

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